Monday, October 14, 2024

BIDEN: Not enforcing immigration laws

| February 2, 2024 1:00 AM

I was driving down Government Way yesterday and saw about 50 rigs with anti-Biden and pro-Trump flags waving. What a relief to think that the MSDNC and mainstream media haven’t fooled the masses into believing that Joe Biden’s refusal to enforce the immigration laws as they stand today are somehow the fault of Republicans? (It’s Joe Biden’s responsibility to enforce the law and defend our borders and our country and he just blows it off. He doesn’t care about us. He’s never lived in reality.) How does that work? Just enforce the existing law grifter Joe and stop crying and whining because the lobbyists that paid for you are not happy.

I’ll agree that immigration law needs to be reformed but that doesn’t mean that existing laws are non existent and free to the whims of Joe Biden and his handlers. Enforce the existing laws today and stop the Biden catastrophic invasion of our country. And quit blaming everyone else for your failures. You have too much faith in the media to cover for you. We don’t believe them either. We can work on a bipartisan solution moving forward, but that has nothing to do with you breaking the law everyday refusing to enforce existing immigration law and endangering my grandchildren and this country. When is the Biden parade?


Coeur d’Alene