Wednesday, December 25, 2024

NATIONAL DEBT: Everything has a limit

| December 25, 2024 1:00 AM

Referring to editorial of Sunday, Dec. 15.

Referring to our out of control national debt.

I am surprised you would even print the drivel coming from this Clem Chambers, according to this ignoramus, because it is mostly owed to Americans it is good and the more the better. Oh ya, because it’s owed mostly to Americans it’s a great asset. Let’s spend even more, it’ll make us just that much more prosperous. That is just so much gobble goop! Government isn’t any different then private households except for size. So for the “I want it now generation” just keep maxing out those credit cards, don’t you know it’s good to have all that debt. Yep, sure enough until your credit is cut off because you can no longer pay the minimum payment, you are evicted from your home and they repossess you car, your jet ski, your four-wheeler and boat. Its no different for government. Everything has a limit and America is pushing its limit.

It seems most Americans don’t seem to get it. It seems we are willing to put all this debt on our grandchildren’s backs.

I can recall when America was a lender nation. Now we are one of the biggest debtor nations.

Anyone who believes that debt is good is a complete fool!


Coeur d’Alene