TRUMP: He did what he promised
So, the election is over and it’s a massive landslide for Trump. (312 electoral votes) America has spoken loud and clear. MAGA, Make America Great Again, is resounding throughout America.
And I think, who in the world could be against that? Many on the opposite side are in shock and dismay. They rant that Trump is a dictator and will destroy America. Kinda like he did during his last four-year term, right? But wait, didn’t he secure our border, give us energy independence, very low inflation, create low unemployment, build back our military, no new wars under his term? I could go on and on. He DID in fact “Make America Great Again.”
He DID exactly what he promised and more, but in four years under Biden, America became the laughingstock of the world, accumulated national debt at the rate of a trillion dollars every 100 days, crime soared, military became weaker, sky-high inflation, 15-20 million illegals red-carpeted through our open borders, starting WW III. I could go on and on.
But, the nightmare is almost over. Democrats WILL fight Trump on his administration picks. But wait, if they look at Biden’s cabinet (truly the most inept folks ever assembled under one roof.) Trump’s picks should all be a unanimous YES! One more bit of good news — many celebrities promised to leave America if Trump was elected. So, start packing. Please don’t disappoint me and make liars out of yourselves! It would be so good if you’d take Barack and Michelle with you. No one should have to live in a country they despise and hate so much. Yes, Barack, elections do have consequences!
Coeur d ‘Alene