Saturday, September 14, 2024

St. Luke's provides 'welcome back' picnic lunch for NIC faculty

Staff Writer | August 29, 2024 1:00 AM

COEUR d’ALENE — St. Luke’s Episcopal Church showed its support for faculty at North Idaho College by providing a “Welcome Back to the New Semester” picnic lunch Wednesday on the Fort Sherman Chapel grounds.

“We at St. Luke’s support NIC and public education. We support all they do,” said Lisa Nunlist, a longtime member of the St. Luke’s congregation. “Education elevates not only the person, but the entire community.” 

Dozens of people from St. Luke’s, as well as NIC faculty members and a few students, gathered for the "welcome back" event. Despite the overcast skies and unseasonably chilly temperatures, people were all smiles as they enjoyed hot dogs and other picnic staples on the grass outside of Coeur d'Alene's oldest church.

The congregation of St. Luke’s believes outreach events are important to remind the community that they are supported.

“We want to show the practical community, like the college, that the spiritual community is here for them and supporting them," Lyndi Phifer of St. Luke’s said. "Not just for the barbeques. We’re here every week praying.” 

“It’s extremely important with today’s political climate for citizens to be standing for college and education in general,” added Jill Kalberg, also a member of the St. Luke’s congregation.

“It’s important to show the NIC community that we support them," she said.

The support from St. Luke’s was met with gratitude from NIC faculty members.

“It’s great that the community provides support for our faculty,” NIC President Nick Swayne said, adding that a St. Luke's pastor often asks how the church can be of service to the college.

"I think it’s just wonderful," Swayne said.