Well-deserved recognition for Rathdrum couple
At the close of the North Idaho Fair, Mike and Gayle (Jacklin) Stegmann were honored with the annual Clyde Boatright Award, in appreciation for their outstanding service and dedication to the fair. I’m fortunate to know the Stegmanns and the recognition is well-deserved.
Throughout the year, they’re incredibly generous far beyond their philanthropy. Gayle and Mike give their time, hands-on time, as mentors and leaders for the young people of our community. Stegmann Farms and Gem State Mule Company bring much to many.
It’s people like the Stegmanns and all of the generations of 4-H families who remind us of the simpler times, when people made their living and their lives from the land. A county fair provides a weeklong snapshot of the very best about our communities.
Thanks to all who worked so hard to make this year’s fair a success.
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When receiving the award, Gayle was sporting a cast and a sling. A couple of weeks ago, she was enjoying a trail ride with friends in Hauser Lake when she “got tangled up in a hornet’s nest.” Losing her balance, she fell from her mule and broke her wrist. The mule suffered over a dozen bites.
I guess if you’re going to hurt yourself having a unique story to tell is a plus.
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Nothing says summer is fleeting like the start of high school football. Last Friday, the Vikings played their first game of the season with a win against Rigby. This Friday, the Trojans play their first game of the season with a conference game against Lewiston at home.
On the upside, sitting in the bleachers on a warm August evening is more comfortable than in the October chill.
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September signals the return to routine after a summer of adventure and leisure, with a Labor Day last hurrah. September has long been one of my favorite months. We should have some still summer-like weather coming and more elbow room at boat launches, campgrounds and beaches.
The autumn equinox, when day and night will be the same number of hours, will be Sept. 22 this year so we have 26 days to enjoy the best season of all. For those keeping track, there are 119 days until Christmas.
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Happy birthday today Dirk Scott, Freya Jensen, Jack Reiswig, Marissa Leupold, Steve Slaney, Michelle Garcia, Samantha Dirks, Becky Fletcher, Darlene Johnson, Judy DeTar, Karen Huber, Laurie Sutton, Loretta Richards, Pearl Brown and Spencer Messina. Best wishes Aug. 29 to Jeannie Peugh, who shares the date with Ashley Smart, Stacey Holley, Randy Marmon, Cindy Foulk, Bob Myklebust, Lori Barker, Cody Jewell, Merle Bartlett and Arvada Schmacher. Taking another trip around the sun Friday are Cyndie Lempesis, Luke Sommer, Carrie Kralicek, Jarin Bressler, Bjorn Handeen and Stefany Mealey. On the last day of August, Andrew Houser, Ron Nilson, Jill Delavan, Patti Shea, Gen Twete, Craig Wilcox, Jamie Ostbert, Dan Poole, Donna Euler, Mike Gerber, Nicole Stark and Rondi Renaldo are blowing out the candles. On the first day of September, Kathy McKahn, Terry Lee, David Mills, Kim Routh, Sharon Latimer, Missy Hansen, Paul Ebert and Travis Best turn a page on the calendar. Labor Day birthdays for Doug Wheeler, Tammy Kelly, Bonnie Miller, John Parmann, Kelley Inman, Stephanie Foster, Kelley Taylor, Dale Borley and Debbie Pohlmeier. On Sept. 3, Willi Buerge, Lesli Linde, Emily Davis, Kris McIlvenna, Jim Hamby, Robin Merrifield, Patty Jacobs, Jeremy Moser, David Armstrong, Jeff Tyler and Taylor Valente put on their party hats.
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Kerri Rankin Thoreson is a member of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists and the former publisher of the Post Falls Tribune. Main Street appears every Wednesday in The Press and Kerri can be contacted on Facebook or via email rkthor52@aol.com.