Friday, September 13, 2024

RESIDENT OR CITIZEN: Take responsibility seriously

| August 28, 2024 1:00 AM

North Idaho has gained many new residents in recent years. The question is: How many citizens have we gained, and what is the difference? Well, anyone with a street or mailing address is a resident. A citizen is one engaged in the community and takes seriously the responsibilities of citizenship.

One might recognize a citizen as a person knowledgeable about current issues, possessing some knowledge of our history, subscribing to the local newspaper, involved in a service club, supporting a local nonprofit, etc. While it may be true that area newcomers are less likely than long-term residents to be citizens, the problem is not limited to new arrivals. Far too many of us fail to accept the responsibility of “citizenship.”  

Further, many of us have been quick to criticize new arrivals for their tendency to wish to remake us before knowing us. It is important that we long-term members of the community reach out to new arrivals to welcome, embrace and educate them. We may decide we like them, and they might like us as well.

Finally, for new or old residents, please take the responsibility of citizenship seriously. Be an informed voter. Learn to know your community. By all means, do not allow any group to tell you how to vote. Learn about the issues and candidates for office. Simply put, be a good citizen — anyone can be a resident.

