Sunday, September 15, 2024

MAJOR RICHARD STAR ACT: Please voice your support

| August 28, 2024 1:00 AM

How many of you are familiar with The Major Richard Star Act (H.R. 1282/S.344.) This legislation is justified and needed legislation for our medically retired veterans. We should all agree that achieving any budgetary savings by reducing DoD retired pay for combat-injured veterans is an awful injustice.  

The Major Richard Star (Rest in Peace) Act is legislation which would provide medically retired combat veterans with less than 20 years of military service their full military benefits. Senator Mike Crapo is a leading co-sponsor. Thank you, Senator Crapo, for your advocacy and support! If you are interested you can view Senator Crapo’s press conference on YouTube, dated March 6, 2024. Senator Crapo is leading an amendment to the NDAA to ensure the Major Richard Star Act becomes law.  

Senator Risch is also one of 74 Senate co-sponsors. Senator Risch provided a statement when I inquired. “Our veterans made significant sacrifices for our freedoms. Their retirement benefits should not be penalized due to injuries and illnesses incurred through their honorable service to our country. I am working with my colleagues to protect veterans’ earned benefits and ensure the Major Richard Star Act is included in the FY25 NDAA." There are many social media platforms promoting the passage of the Major Richard Star Act. I encourage you to join one, give a like, give a comment! I urge you to write your U.S. representatives, your U.S. Senators.

Tell them to pass the Major Richard Star Act. God Bless!


American Legion CDA Post Commander