Friday, September 20, 2024

VETERANS PRESS: Free and discounted event tickets to veterans and their families

| August 27, 2024 1:00 AM

Vet Tix provides tickets to events which reduce stress, strengthen family bonds, build lifelong memories and encourage service members and veterans to stay engaged with local communities and American life. We support our troops by honoring their service and providing positive family and life experiences, during and after their years of service to our country.

Vet Tix provides tickets to all branches of currently-serving military and veterans, including immediate family of troops KIA. 

Vet Tix secures tickets to sporting events, concerts, performing arts, educational and family activities across the nation. VetTixers sign up online. We verify their service. VetTixers request tickets to events that interest them, then pay a small delivery fee to receive their free tickets. 

How it works

Veteran Tickets Foundation teams up with major sports teams, leagues, promoters, organizations, venues and ticket holders to provide free and discounted tickets to the more than 21 million military and veterans. Currently serving military, honorably discharged veterans from all branches of service, and family of those Killed In Action are eligible. VetTixer’s accounts are active once we verify service status. Tickets are either distributed directly to military bases or claimed through our website.   

To sign up go to  Create an account (it’s free). You will need to provide proof of service or eligibility. (DD214 or like proof.) 

Why we do what we do

The 7% of our population that are veterans and less than 1% actively serving shoulder unique burdens of stress, sacrifice and time away from their families. The majority of our veterans have served during wartime. Veterans experience many difficult transitions as they reintegrate back into their families, their communities and eventually civilian life. Many service members and veterans struggle with wounds of war, both physical and invisible. 

Yet these veterans receive limited access to resources that are vital to their reintegration into their communities. Military discounts are small or infrequent. The majority of veterans do not receive military discounts because they do not have an ID card. More than that, the cost for the average football game or concert is over $500 for a family of four. This makes many events simply unaffordable for average military and veteran families. Veteran Tickets Foundation is concerned that too many veterans are missing out on the All-American moments for which they have fought and sacrificed. These All-American events are the times we should use to welcome and acknowledge our veterans. These events provide essential community reintegration opportunities, family bonding experiences and improve quality of life. Donated tickets shows our military that their community supports their service. These events are real gifts of gratitude for our veterans who have given so much.