Friday, September 20, 2024

In need of good deeds: Three Cheers series to highlight positive impacts

| August 27, 2024 1:00 AM

A young person helps an elderly neighbor cross the street — three cheers.

Some guy stops to change a popped tire and refuses any payment or reward — three cheers.

The woman in the checkout line offers to let the person with one item behind her go first — three cheers.

A father and son are seen early Sunday mornings picking up litter by the freeway — three cheers.

The volume of good deeds North Idaho experiences on a daily basis can sometimes be drowned out. Let's turn up that volume and help recognize the kind souls who demonstrate compassion, neighborliness, selflessness and altruism: The ones who open doors for others, who share summer produce with those in need, who visit the homebound seniors, who exchange smiles with strangers, who shovel snowy driveways in the whole neighborhood before anyone is awake.

Happiness is contagious, so throw it around like confetti as you celebrate the positive impacts your family members, friends and neighbors are making in their local communities. Email Devin Weeks at to share Three Cheers for someone's good deed. It could be one person, a group, a neighborhood, a school, a business, a church.

But no jeers in this section; good vibes only!