Friday, September 20, 2024

NOVEMBER 5: It’s about freedom and democracy

| August 25, 2024 1:00 AM

We’ve seen Trump’s record as president. He let the ultra-wealthy off the hook for paying their fair tax share. He weakened our international alliances. He proposed cuts to Social Security. He appointed ultra conservative justices to overturn Roe v. Wade. He bungled the pandemic. He had the worst jobs numbers since Hoover. Not only is he a racist, he flaunts it! He devalued Medal of Honor recipients while referring to service members as “suckers and losers.”

In a second term, Trump would do this again. Economically, his bully tariffs will spike inflation and eliminate jobs. He states that importing countries would pay these tariffs. That’s how uneducated he is! We pay the tax from his tariffs just as we paid for his border wall. Despite his repeated promises, Mexico never paid a dime. Most worrisome is Trump’s 2025 playbook. It foreshadows radical cuts to heath-care, Social Security, and education while further eroding freedoms by restricting what you can read, who you can love, and even greater restrictions on reproductive rights.  

Trump admits he’ll be a dictator on day one (and thereafter?) and said you won’t have to vote again, just like in Russia and North Korea. He is on record wanting to eliminate at least portions of the Constitution. He’s convicted of 34 felony counts and waiting trial on myriad indictments. 

My father, rest his soul, who risked his life flying 37 combat missions as bombardier in B-17s fighting Hitler would turn over in his grave to see fascist Trump elected.  

If you call yourself a patriot and love this country, democracy and freedom, there is only one choice this November and that is Harris-Walz.  

JON INGALLS, Commander, USN (Retired)

Coeur d’Alene