Sunday, September 15, 2024

LETTER RESPONSE: False information provided

| August 21, 2024 1:00 AM

I would like to take a moment to respond to the Aug. 14 letter from Bob Hollingsworth, titled “Trump is our only chance.”

The title itself is the first misleading statement because it’s not true. There are thousands of people in the U.S. who could do better than Trump.

2) Climate change is a hoax? Typical Fox news nonsense, because 99% of all scientists involved with climatology agree climate change is real. 100,000 scientists claim something is true, one or two dissenting voices say it’s not, and THAT is who you choose to believe. That’s not rational thinking.

3) Restriction on gas and oil? Since the Obama administration, the U.S. has been by far the world’s largest oil producer. Crude oil right now is the same price it was in November 2014.

At NO TIME was Diesel $2/gallon. (source for both: the EIA).

4) We have no borders? We have no country? HOW many times is the far right going to repeat this empty phrase? My money is no good? My passport is no good? We have no laws? No Constitution?

You think that makes sense? If you think we don’t have borders, try crossing one sometime. I cross it in Arizona every year, and I can tell you, we have borders.

5) No methane was produced before 1700? ALL fauna produce methane, from bacteria up to humans.

6) Milk prices? Adjusted for inflation, milk is cheaper now than it was in the 1995-2017 period. Source:

Bob, your letter just plain false.


Bonners Ferry