Thursday, September 12, 2024

POLITICS: Respect the House of God

| August 18, 2024 1:00 AM

After reading the article in the Aug. 10 Coeur d’Alene Press regarding Congressmen Jim Jordan and Russ Fulcher’s comments at the Candlelight Christian Fellowship Church…

Is this how a nation is knitted back together by the following comment? 

“I will submit to you right now; we’re going through another Civil War of sorts.” — Russ Fulcher 

Good Heavens!? An arsonist with a flaming torch would do less damage! 

Also, what ever happened to the idea espoused by Jesus Christ in the Bible — “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,” Matthew 22:39 which is the second greatest commandment. He uses not a single adjective to describe the neighbor. He does not say only if your neighbor is this kind of person, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” 

He also was appalled and horrified and very upset when he observed people using the synagogue to advance their own personal profit and self-interest. John 2:13-25. Isn’t that what politicians are doing by going before a church congregation and asking for money to finance their political agendas and campaigns? Shame on you Congressman Fulcher and Congressman Jordan for using God and his house in such a self-serving way! 

Is it any wonder so many people are pulling away from organized religion/Christianity and seeking spiritual comfort elsewhere when such hypocrisy is allowed to thrive within its structure? 


Coeur d’Alene