Saturday, October 05, 2024

CIVIL WAR: Do we really want to kill each other?

| August 16, 2024 1:00 AM

Are you as tired as I am of being preached to about the divisions among members of our community, and how we should be preparing for a Civil War? Are we really going to allow Representatives Fulcher and Jordan to foment such fear and hatred of others? Fulcher recently called on the attendees at the Candlelight Christian Fellowship gathering to “line up with the right side.” Shouldn’t the right side be to support and love (WWJD) our community and its citizens? Our neighbors, our friends and our family members might have differing beliefs and views, but they are not the enemy. Seriously, does anyone think the solution is to start a Civil War? Are we to kill each other because talking heads like Fulcher and Jordan want to gain political points by making us fear and hate each other? We may not understand or agree with one another on every issue, but we do not have to buy into this dangerous rhetoric about how it’s time to bring on the hate and pick a side?  

Luckily, joy in our politics is on the horizon; we have choices to make. Do we want to continue this divisive behavior that has only benefited politicians or do we want to choose differently? I choose to celebrate our communities and the great work we accomplish together. I also recommend you check out a new voice for our representation in Congress: Kaylee Peterson at Unlike Fulcher who speaks of “battling forces,” we can Believe in Better by voting for Kaylee. She will represent all people of Idaho and celebrate our coming together.  


Coeur d’Alene