Monday, September 09, 2024

SOCIALISM: East Germany was an example

| August 9, 2024 1:00 AM

I have grown utterly sick and tired of the baseless and repeated use of the word “socialism,” which it is in print here on an almost daily basis, this week the most notable use of that word comes from Mike Hill.

Mike, I will tell you something about that. In 1986, before the Berlin Wall came down, I visited that city twice.

Entering Berlin from the west, we drove past Soviet tanks outside the city, then at customs, surrounded by barbed wire and hostile border guards, our ticket for the transit visa across East Germany was examined. If one arrived too soon, you were automatically issued a citation for speeding. If one arrived late, you were taken to a room for questioning.

Entering East Berlin, we found that many buildings were still covered with pockmarks from the war. Police with AK-47s watched every move from mirrored kiosks along city streets. An old woman would not speak to us when asked for directions. All windows of all buildings facing west were bricked up to prevent their tenants from seeing West Berlin. The money was worthless, but it didn’t matter because there was nothing to buy. Images of Soviet glory were everywhere. Coming back by train at night, soldiers with weapons and dogs patrolled the cars, searching for escapees. The city at night was totally dark.

THIS is what Socialism actually is, not a textbook definition. Do you really believe this is the world Democrats want? Seriously? Please, stop with it.


Bonners Ferry