Saturday, October 05, 2024

OPEN PRIMARIES: Initiative would implement ranked-choice voting

| August 9, 2024 1:00 AM

What does the Open Primary Initiative; Proposition 1 really say?

Idaho for Open Primaries is a Trojan horse for Ranked-Choice Voting. Sadly, those pushing this proposition will not admit this. Instead, they told people this initiative will motivate more people to vote because those not wanting to affiliate with a political party can choose any candidate regardless of party. Ahem, that’s not an open primary, that’s a jungle primary.

The second part of the initiative that no one wants to talk about:

“The measure would require a ranked-choice voting system for the general election. Under the ranked-choice voting system, voters rank candidates on the ballot in order of preference but need not rank every candidate. The votes are counted in successive rounds, and the candidate receiving the fewest votes in each round is eliminated. A vote for an eliminated candidate will transfer to the voter’s next-highest-ranked active candidate. The candidate with the most votes in the final round wins.”

Yes, the vote cast for the last place, losing candidate will transfer to the next-highest ranked candidate. This allows a candidate to receive a ranked vote not in the order originally intended by the voters.

This system calculating the winner will require new voting machines and new software. The Secretary of State has determined it will cost almost $40 million to implement.

Alaska wants to repeal ranked-choice voting after only one year. Ranked-choice voting is being pushed in Nevada, Idaho and Arizona — all red states. Why? Pay attention to who is pushing this.


Coeur d’Alene