Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Emotions run high at library budget hearing in Hayden

Staff Writer | August 9, 2024 1:08 AM

HAYDEN — The library was packed Thursday night as community members made their voices heard at the board of trustees budget hearing. The meeting provided an opportunity for the community to give feedback on the board of trustees’ proposed budget for 2025 while board members listened, but did not respond.  

A few contentious topics were at the forefront of most speakers’ minds: the board’s proposal for Community Library Network sites to be closed Sundays and other budget cuts that could mean a reduction in the purchase of new materials. 

Deborah Rose said the board also attempted to close local libraries on Sundays last year, citing religion as their reason — this resulted in the threat of a civil rights lawsuit from Americans United for Separation of Church and State.  

Now, the board is citing budget cuts as the reason for the proposed Sunday closure, and many community members are crying foul. 

“This board is implementing ‘Plan B’ justified by the misappropriation of public funds, irresponsibly overspending on legal fees and avoidable higher insurance costs, so now closing our libraries on Sundays can be rationalized. It’s possible this new stunt will incite yet another potential civil rights lawsuit,” Rose said.  

“Why not close on Monday?” someone else asked.  

“If you’re going to do it, then state it with honesty and integrity,” said Ed DePriest.  

Not everyone in attendance had grievances with the board’s proposals. Kara Claridge commended the board for “show[ing] wisdom and restraint.”  

“You are carrying out the will of the voters who decisively voted you in, and I like the progress I see,” Claridge said.  

Emotions were high by the end of the hearing when Ashley Rogers, notably one of the youngest community members in the room, shared her perspective. “I’m here because the younger generation cares. We care,” she said.  

Rogers went on to explain how the Hayden Library has been a safe space for her and her brother her whole life. “Taking that away in any aspect ... that really breaks my heart,” she concluded.  

A special meeting in which the board could adopt the 2025 budget is set for Aug. 22.  

    Community members had the chance to speak in front of the Library Board of Trustees Thursday night.