Saturday, October 05, 2024

SNYDER LAKE: More articles like this should be published

| August 4, 2024 1:00 AM

I just read the Snyder Lake article by Bill Buley. As a lifelong outdoorsman, fellow mature runner, writer and avid reader I was truly impressed at his ability to put a reader there. Out on the trail, legs whacking underbrush, thinking about bears, a couple near falls and then taking a hefty spill. Particularly of note was hearing the dialog in his head — similar thoughts many of us have that are unremarkable until put in context like Bill did. Bravo!

I wish the Coeur d’Alene Press would focus more on ink like this that unites us and keeps the beauty of this region on people’s minds. Truly. Most of your readers are not liberals, but you insist on pushing that viewpoint down our throats. If I read another critique of the current conservative Library Trustees (who we elected), hear more about breathless support for Open Primaries (we all know this weakens incumbent Conservative leadership), or read another article that we readers are a bunch of racists, I’m likely to cancel my subscription on Sept. 1 after 30 years.

Please stop being a mouthpiece for liberalism. Going back 100 years, our area was built and powered by entrepreneurs, visionaries and leaders who used conservative values to create a community that people worldwide wish they could live in. The opposite is true of communities operating under liberal leadership and we all know it. So please stop the divisive drivel and share more writing from Bill about the REAL reasons people are here.

