Wednesday, September 11, 2024

BIDEN: Not honorable either

| August 4, 2024 1:00 AM

Reply to Dave Walker’s My Turn:

I loved and respected both my mother and father, both who have been gone for decades. My mother taught me manners, courtesy, love and kindness to all no matter their religion, birth, clothes, etc. Besides these they both taught me the value of life character and respect of another one’s opinions. Both our accolades to our parents I am sure go on. At the top of your list honesty, integrity, credibility and ethics — you’re right, without those traits one should always be guarded of their encounters of a new acquaintance.

The loss of every character stated above is why it’s impossible to vote for Harris or Biden for anything. The only value Biden has is complicity in illegal activity or wrongdoing. “Honorable person?” Wouldn’t even acknowledge the existence of his son’s daughter. No Christmas card, with the other children. Took weeks of public opinion. “Honorable person?” Attributes to despisement of thousands of Americans. Take away Biden’s money? That’s still in question, hair it’s gone, notoriety?” Strip him down to just a man? There would be none. I wouldn’t want Biden next door. Forget about golf. Definitely not good with Biden or Harris as president.

Honesty and integrity mean everything to the people of the United States! If you know anything at all about Biden you have to be knowledgeable of his lies to our nation beginning before the election and all the way through to the other Sunday. You will be missed from the GOP. Find out truth of Biden’s presidency. It may surprise you. My self-respect and your self-respect are both at stake. Our parents raised us proper. I hope some parent won’t be let down.

God Bless.


Coeur d’Alene