Sunday, October 06, 2024

Gwen fire almost fully contained

Staff Writer | August 2, 2024 11:00 AM
Steady progress continues to be made on the Gwen Fire, with containment reaching 85%, according to a press release put out Friday by Idaho Department of Lands. 

Smoke may continue to be visible for the next several weeks as pockets of fuel smolder within the containment area. Occasional flare ups may occur and be visible during this time. These sites are in steep areas with limited access, or they are surrounded by previously burned material. They have been thoroughly evaluated and do not pose a threat, says the Department of Lands.

NIROPS (National Infrared Operations), used infrared equipped aircraft to survey the fire Thursday night. Isolated and scarce areas of heat remain near highway 12. The data was consistent with known hotspots, none of which pose a concern or threat.

An Extreme Heat Warning is currently in effect in the area of the Gwen Fire. Firefighters could experience temperatures of up to 112 degrees in canyons where radiant heat is trapped. This is actually a benefit to firefighting efforts-- any remaining hot spots will become more active allowing firefighters to mop them up.

Today, crews from Rocky Mountain Incident Management Team Three will continue to monitor and secure the fire perimeter and road corridors in preparation for a transfer of command. The incident management team has been working closely with local resources and agencies throughout the incident. The team will leave resources in place to ensure a smooth and safe transition. 

Air quality monitors still indicate unhealthy for sensitive groups in the Lapwai area. 

 All roads and highways are open to the public at this time.  Hazards remain along the highway, please use extreme caution when traveling in and around the fire area.