Monday, September 16, 2024

McEvers appointed Coeur d'Alene's next mayor

Staff Writer | August 1, 2024 1:09 AM

COEUR d'ALENE — Longtime City Councilman Woody McEvers was unanimously appointed Coeur d'Alene mayor effective Sept. 1 on Wednesday. 

"I am honored," McEvers said after the 6-0 vote at City Hall. "I will try to do a good job." 

McEvers was nominated by Councilman Dan Gookin. No other councilmember expressed interest in the post during the meeting and there were no other nominations. 

Gookin said McEvers has been "around forever," is approachable, knowledgeable and respected by citizens. 

"People like Woody,” Gookin said. “You know a lot of people. You don’t offend a lot of people.” 

“I learned that from you,” McEvers responded with a laugh. 

Gookin said McEvers should represent the City Council to city staff. 

“I think that’s a very important part of the mayor’s position,” he said. “We give orders collectively to staff and I think it’s your job to make sure that those things get carried out. So, when they don’t, we’re going to talk to you.” 

Other council members also supported McEvers’ appointment.

Dan English said he appreciated McEvers, his roots in Coeur d'Alene and his unique line of questioning during council meetings. 

“You get into some stuff we don’t think about,” English said. 

Kiki Miller said she will be happy to support McEvers. 

“Whenever you need additional help or thoughts, call on me,” she said. 

Amy Evans told McEvers “the community would be lucky to have you serve in the role of mayor. I think we’ll all learn a lot from you.” 

Christie Wood said McEvers was an excellent choice.

“You’re a good guy and you’re the highest vote getter in the city, historically. People like you,” she said. 

Wood said she had a lot of confidence in McEvers. 

“I appreciate that you’re willing to step up,” she said. 

Mayor Jim Hammond said he and McEvers have worked together in different capacities. 

“I’ve always found Woody to be very open and try to make things work as best as possible,” he said.  

McEvers, council president, has served on the City Council since he was first elected in 2002. He has had a hand in many projects in the city, including the Riverstone Development, the Kroc Center, the Coeur d’Alene Public Library, expansion of the city’s wastewater treatment facility and was an advocate for McEuen Park

He joked about supporting Gookin’s nomination when it came time for the council to vote. 

“I have to vote for myself?” he said. 

McEvers will fill out the remaining 16 months of Hammond's four-year term. Hammond submitted his resignation earlier this month because he is moving to Colorado to be near family, including two young grandchildren. 

“Thank you for your willingness to take over so I can just go down and be papa,” Hammond told McEvers. 

McEvers will have to resign his seat on the council to take the office of mayor. Once in office, he will nominate someone, and council will vote to confirm or reject the appointment. The new councilmember will serve until the next general election, which will be Nov. 4, 2025.  

Mike Gridley, retired city attorney, attended Wednesday’s meeting. He worked with McEvers for two decades. 

“He knows Coeur d’Alene. People trust him,” Gridley said. “He’ll do a good job.”