Monday, May 13, 2024

PROTESTS: Something to think about, kids

| April 28, 2024 1:00 AM

After reading about the recent shutdown of various roadways and bridges around the Bay Area by domestic economic terrorists, and the attacks on innocent rental car visitors to Oakland Airport, I cannot say I’m surprised.

My understanding is that the S.F. Dist. Attorney is going to release the criminals that shut down the G.G. Bridge, and that a recent terrorist that shut down the Bay Bridge was given “diversion” by prosecutors and it was signed off by a Judge.

Until these terrorists are held accountable by Courts of Law, why would one expect anything else in the future but chaos? The children that want to disrupt the economic progress of our society seem to forget about the innocent folks in an ambulance hurrying to the emergency room, or the fire truck on its way to save a domicile, that are stuck in a traffic jam created by selfish babies that are no more mature than a kindergartner.

As a former resident of the Bay Area, I will not be coming back to visit anytime soon. Good luck with all of that.

