Saturday, May 04, 2024

MY TURN: 'Shut up?' No, step up and lead

by MIKE BAKER/Guest Opinion
| April 25, 2024 1:00 AM

I attended an amazing, uplifting and inspiring event hosted by the Cd'A Regional Chamber, where 115 students received scholarships thanks to the generosity of our local business leaders. 

The Coeur d'Alene Tribe set a remarkable example by matching the funds raised and committing to further support our youth. This epitomizes true leadership and represents the bright future of our community. This is who we are, and this is our future, but we must protect it.

Leaving this event filled with hope and camaraderie, I was disturbed to read the op-ed column titled "Shut Up!" by the chairman of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee. The contrast in leadership styles could not have been more stark: While one scenario highlighted unity and forward-thinking generosity, the other was mired in division, hate and negativity.

As a father, husband and community leader in Kootenai County, I believe our leaders should embody the best of our community's values — unity, integrity and compassion. I’ll be the first to admit my weaknesses; I’ve made plenty of mistakes, and hopefully, those mistakes have made me a better person as I learn from them every day. 

Unfortunately, the leadership style we often see today is divisive, promoting a culture of fear and exclusion rather than one of inspiration and inclusivity.

This approach impacts not just our political environment but also our personal relationships. Leadership that relies on bullying and intimidation not only fails to inspire political unity but also alienates those closest to us. 

I’ve heard from the close family and friends of these leaders who "lead" through coercion that they are embarrassed and ashamed by such tactics. If your own family and friends can’t support you, why should anyone else? 

This is not the legacy any wise leader would want; history remembers kindly those who bring us together, not those who push us apart under the guise of strength.

With the precinct committee races approaching, we have an opportunity to change this trajectory. These roles, crucial yet often underestimated, shape the future of our community’s leadership. We must choose representatives who foster a positive, inclusive political environment, heal divisions and bring dignity and respect back into our discourse.

To those who have felt the effects of negative politics, remember that true strength comes from uniting people, not dividing them. It's time for a shift toward leaders who are admired for their ability to positively influence both public and private spheres.

This May, let’s use our votes to endorse leaders who reflect the best of Kootenai County. Let’s support those who bring us together and enhance our community's strength through their integrity and respect. 

You can’t sit this fight out — visit to request an absentee ballot or make a plan to get out to the polls. Check out to see a list of candidates committed to building a brighter future.

Let’s rally together to support a style of leadership that embodies the hope and unity I witnessed last Friday at the Cd'A Regional Chamber event. Let’s choose leaders who will ensure our community remains a place where future generations can thrive, supported by values that unite rather than divide.

These are my personal reflections, shaped by my love for this community and my desire to see it flourish. Let us step forward together, choosing a path of constructive, inclusive leadership.

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Mike Baker is CEO of Heritage Health.