Tuesday, February 11, 2025

EDITORIAL: Before you vote, please do this

| April 14, 2024 1:00 AM

Local Republicans have been told that the most important race on their May 21 primary ballot isn’t a race among would-be elected officials. It’s a race for a political party volunteer job.

They're talking about the 73 precinct committee slots that comprise the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee, a group you might have heard about before now. 

And you know what? They're right that this oft-ignored part of an election, in which workers, not representatives, are selected, is enormously important. So here's a step-by-step suggestion.

Republican voters should request their absentee ballot right away. Go to: VoteIdaho.gov

When the ballot arrives, go to another site: northidahorepublicans.org

There you can find your precinct number and the conscientious, constructive and community-minded conservatives seeking your support.

Go to the bottom of your absentee ballot, make your choice but hold on just a bit longer, please. While precinct committee positions are exceedingly important this election cycle, there are other races that will essentially be decided in the primary and not in the Nov. 5 general election.

This Saturday, April 20, The Press will publish its primary election Voter Guide. The guide will fill you in on candidates you might know but wish to know more about. It might also introduce you to candidates you know nothing about but should so you can make the best-informed decisions.

True to form, this Voter Guide, like its predecessors, brings you the unedited responses from candidates to important questions. Candidates were allowed 200 words to answer each question; not enough for long campaign speeches and windy sales pitches but sufficient to impart their thoughts and beliefs.

The guide also includes biographical info on candidates. How long have they lived here? What have they done for careers? What other experience do they have that prepared them for public service?

Most candidates participated in the Voter Guide. Those who did not are also telling voters all they need to know about that person.

As section editor Kerri Thoreson notes in the Voter Guide introduction, it's full of information yet is also something of a starting point for voters. In the weeks between now and May 21, there will be candidate forums, meet and greets and plenty of endorsements in the Letters to the Editor section of the paper.

To the degree that potential voters become actual voters for a primary election, our community can anticipate better governance. Making available and consuming accurate information is essential.

So let's team up this Saturday and pave the way for heavy primary participation.