Sunday, October 06, 2024

REGAN: Take another look, folks

| April 5, 2024 1:00 AM

Brent Regan takes the cake. He earns the prize for the most maligned individual in the Coeur d’Alene Press. I read the letters to the editor each day. And a week doesn’t go by that someone isn’t blasting how horrible Brent Regan is. Dictator. Bully. Leader of the KCRCC which “…appears to be a breeding ground for clone-of-Aryan racist behavior.”

The last 237 letters to the editor has over 25 negative comments about Mr. Regan and/or the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee. And those numbers don’t include the My Turns and Editorials. You’d think he was the president of the United States with all the attention he gets.

I attend the KC Republican Central Committee meeting each month where Brent Regan is the chairman. I am not a precinct committeeman, but I am curious about what the Republicans in the area are doing, so I attend as a guest, as can anyone. Mr. Regan usually prefaces each gathering with the fact that he facilitates the meetings; he doesn’t rule over them. He does a skillful job of managing debate and keeping things moving. The KCRCC consists of individuals elected by fellow Republicans from each precinct or selected by the committee when a vacancy occurs. Many good people — not Regan automatons. Faith, family and freedom are paramount to them.

Often, I find myself skipping articles that start off with personal attacks on Brent Regan and/or the KCRCC. “Oh, here we go again.” So redundant. So tiring.

Please. Let’s address issues not personalities. Name calling is easy but finding solutions to problems takes maturity, cooperation and focus. Really? It’s all Brent Regan’s fault? Blame and hyperbole are not going to win friends and influence people.


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