Monday, December 09, 2024

HOTEL: What it is — and what it isn't

| April 3, 2024 1:00 AM

I appreciate Joan Woodard's concerns that "Urban anywhere USA" Marriott has arrived in the form of a Branded Marriott product. It would be a bonus to see integrated use of materials to fit our brick and stone facades nearby on Sherman Avenue.

To lean on the City's Comp plan as a supporter of views to Lakes and streams and wildlife is the weakest argument possible amongst concrete, asphalt and no chance of a view past Front Street high rises that are serving our citizens. 

The site between 6th and 7th has high rises looming over it, behind it and across from it and no one can sell this site as part of the "natural" environment. What a hotel like this does is serve a tourist base not looking for a motel room or another STR where mum is still cooking and doing dishes. 

Yes, patrons will walk out the doors to a lake, a park and all our small businesses — yahoo! We lack adequate HOTEL keys for our tourists as evidenced by our tidal wave of short-term rentals. 

What a resort hotel (not freeway or hospital-focused) does is take the heat off the obliteration of our neighborhoods to short-term rentals and the onslaught of parking to ALL our streets. 

Put the travelers’ cars in a garage and walk or cycle or kayak in CDA. We are a resort city and hotels sell beds, not sitting by a window and staring at a view.


Coeur d'Alene P&Z Commissioner/former Marriott Resorts Interior Design director