Monday, February 17, 2025

EDITORIAL: Patrice provides appropriate perspective

| April 3, 2024 1:00 AM

At times like these, it’s easy to lose perspective. 

The racial harassment incident in Coeur d’Alene that made national news during the NCAA women’s basketball tournament seems to have challenged people to choose sides — which in itself is a perspective buster. Who would have thought there were two sides to thugs shouting racist threats at innocent people?

Yet some are calling this a First Amendment issue. Some are issuing milquetoast resolutions, in one breath condemning racism yet in the next extolling freedom of expression in all forms (so long as they are forms the resolution issuers agree with).

On this side you might find the people who hopped in their cars and trucks Saturday in downtown Coeur d’Alene, about 20 vehicles, by some reports, parading down the same Sherman Avenue where the miscreants maligned the University of Utah women’s basketball team almost two weeks ago.

This parade featured motorists honking their horns and waving confederate, U.S., Gadsden, Trump, Let’s Go Brandon and Jesus Saves signs and flags. They have every right to do so, and smaller groups have paraded similarly on Saturdays for some time now. 

But whether they’re siding with the racists, with their concept of the First Amendment or in open antipathy to those who have rallied on behalf of the women’s basketball players is left as a matter of conjecture — and perspective.

On another side are the people who are outraged over the racist incident, citizens rallying for decency and universal human respect. They vilify rather than glorify such gutless, sickening acts and are chagrined by the ever-deepening divisions that such acts create these days.

There are wise, calm and clear-headed people paying attention and applying the kind of perspective that would aid us all. One of these people wrote a letter to the editor that's published today. 

Patrice Yeatter of Kooskia; thank you. You’ve captured the essence of this extraordinary community in a mere 125 words. 

Visitor you may be, but you would always be most welcome here on a more permanent basis.