Monday, October 07, 2024

REGAN: Attacks and false facts

| September 27, 2023 1:00 AM

Brent Regan ended his Sept. 22 opinion column with, “Now you’re smart enough to see the pattern because for you, it’s just common sense.” I concur. The pattern is Regan’s constant use of the psychological tactic of “poisoning the well,” a technique where he attempts to assail the personality of a speaker to discredit them, so you don’t have to listen to their message.

For example, opponents of Regan-supported NIC candidates, who have sold out the voters of Kootenai County with their continued fiscal irresponsibility, are labeled as “Progressive supporters of progressive candidates,” “progressive agents” and “pushing a progressive social justice agenda.” He specifically labels Christie Wood as a “progressive,” which is patently absurd.

Since he can’t have an honest debate because he lacks the courage of his convictions and lacks a coherent argument, he smears people with the use of the unpopular term among conservatives of “progressive,” thus attempting to negate their positions and avoid an honest debate. He also smears Christa Hazel with the same brush calling her a “progressive activist,” again a patently absurd accusation. Aren’t “progressives” the reckless spenders of taxpayer money? If so, then Trustees Banducci, McKenzie and Waggoner are the “progressives.” He refers to “Save NIC” as a “propaganda engine,” which is rich coming from the KCRCC’s propaganda master.

Regan states that Randy Weaver sold two shotguns that had barrels that were 1/8 inch shorter than the legal limit, which began a “cascade of events.” Actually the more significant cascade of events was because Randy Weaver chose to ignore numerous opportunities to turn himself in on an outstanding warrant. Had Weaver done so, nobody would know his name. He further states that military veteran and retired FBI Agent Wayne Manis was the “lead agent” during the Ruby Ridge incident. Special Agent Manis had an honorable and productive career in investigating the mob, KKK, Aryan Nations, and earned numerous awards/acclimations, but he was not the lead agent in the Ruby Ridge incident.


Coeur d’Alene