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VETERANS PRESS: Talking memory loss with your doctor

| September 26, 2023 1:00 AM

Everyone forgets things at times. How often have you misplaced your car keys or forgotten the name of someone you just met? While it can be normal to forget some things as you get older, it can become troubling if you can’t hold a conversation or even lose track of what year it is. If this starts to happen, it’s time to talk to your doctor about what to do next.

If you need to talk to your doctor about your memory loss, we want you to feel prepared. Learn more about what to ask and what you should bring to your appointment.

When to ask about memory loss

Most people experience some memory loss as they get older. You shouldn’t worry too much unless memory problems start to disrupt your daily life. If you have difficulty completing daily tasks, it may be time to talk to your health care team. Watch for other warning signs like:

• Asking the same questions over and over

• Getting lost in familiar places

• Having difficulty following directions

• Feeling very confused about time, people and places

• Neglecting basic needs, like eating, bathing and personal safety

What to bring to your appointment

At your appointment, be prepared for an evaluation. You’ll need to bring a list of changes you’ve noticed in your health, memory or behavior. You’ll need your past and current medical information list of everything you’re taking: prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, vitamins or supplements.

Based on what you share, your doctor might give you a physical exam and take some labs. In some cases, your doctor might conduct cognitive testing.

Which questions to ask

Bring a list of questions about memory loss with you. This list can help you get started:

• What tests might I need, and how should I prepare?

• How long will it take to get my test results?

• If I have dementia, what should I watch for?

• What are my next steps?

Before you worry, remember that some memory loss can be normal. But it’s important to share any concerns you have with your health care team. If you have questions about your memory, reach out to your doctor today.