Thursday, October 03, 2024

FAST FIVE: Heather McDaniel: ITD information officer, cake decorator extraordinaire

Staff Writer | September 23, 2023 1:00 AM

Meet Heather McDaniel, public information officer for the Idaho Transportation Department, District 1. Heather has been with ITD for just a few short weeks but comes from a long history in public service with the Spirit Lake Police Department and, most recently, the Idaho State Police. Heather has a passion for people, for Idaho and for telling the stories of those who have dedicated their lives to serving their communities. Born and raised right here in Kootenai County, she lives in Rathdrum with her family — her fiancé, two daughters, stepson and two crazy dogs. Outside of her role with ITD, Heather is actively involved as the public outreach coordinator for the North Idaho DUI Task Force and sits as a board member on the Kootenai County Substance Abuse Council.

1) How are you enjoying your new role with the Idaho Transportation Department after years of working in communications for law enforcement agencies, and what drew you to the position?

So far, I’m loving my new role with the Idaho Transportation Department! It has been a big adjustment for me coming from a primarily administrative background, but it’s been such a welcomed change of pace and really allows me to exercise my creativity on an entirely different level. I knew there would be a lot that I didn’t know coming into this job from a completely different world, but I’ve been so surprised by how interesting it’s been learning the ins and outs of transportation! I have definitely geeked out in a lot of ways and am quickly discovering that the planning and development phase of projects is what I find most fascinating.

2) What exciting ITD news and events can you share with us at this time?

Currently, ITD is busy buttoning up projects on the heels of the busiest summer construction season we have seen in recent memory. District 1, which is comprised of Idaho’s five northernmost counties, found itself in the midst of 27 active projects this year with over $100 million invested into transportation improvements and upgrades across the Panhandle. While our crews work toward the finish line on wrapping up projects for fall, we want to remind drivers not to let their guards down just yet. Keep up the great work slowing down through work zones, be patient and give those hardworking guys and gals a little extra space to make it to the end of the season safely.

It almost feels like blasphemy to already be talking about the “w” word, but right now our team is also hard at work gearing up for winter operations and snow removal. It’s no small feat preparing to safely maintain over 1,472 miles of snow-covered roadway, but that’s exactly what our maintenance and operations crews are up to! Installing plows on trucks, stockpiling snow-fighting materials like salt and hiring seasonal employees, District 1 will be “Idaho Ready” no matter what mother nature throws our way in the coming months. We still have openings in all eight shed locations across the region, so anyone looking for a fulfilling seasonal job with a top-notch team can apply by clicking the “Careers” link at!

3) What would you like community members to know or think about as they approach a work zone or find themselves stuck in construction work traffic?

That the men and women working out there are people too, so a little grace, a little space and a little patience go a long way! We all get frustrated at some point or another with road work during construction season, er… summer… in North Idaho. Even we ITD employees aren’t immune to delays or detours, but it helps to remember that the end result of all this time-consuming work is going to make it so much better for everyone once its completed.

It’s also remarkable, especially as a new employee to the transportation world, to see just how profound the amount of planning, design and engineering is that goes into each and every one of our agency’s projects. For each work zone you drive through, know that months and months, if not years, of development has taken place with a team of brilliant individuals just to get to the point of breaking ground. As a driver, navigating work zones often seems like chaos, but there really is a method behind the madness, and some amazing people doing that behind-the-scenes work to keep the wheels turning.

4) What is something people would be surprised to know about you?

I’d say I’m pretty average in most areas, but one hidden talent I have is that I’m an outstanding cake decorator, if I don’t say so myself! Growing up my grandmother, Sheryl McDaniel, had a side hustle creating extraordinary cakes for every occasion — weddings, birthdays, showers, you name it! When I was a kid, I always remember meeting new people and after hearing my last name they’d ask, “are you related to Sheryl? She made the most amazing cake for our (insert special event here)!”

I was always mesmerized by her work, watching her turn dessert into art, and even more so watching her have an opportunity to set aside the stresses of day to day life for a few hours and really thrive in her creativity as she worked. I envied her skills and as an adult I decided to give it a shot on my own, hoping that I somehow inherited her talent. Turns out, I think I did! I’ve found so much enjoyment over the years creating unique designs, honing my skills and being able to add an extra-special touch to so many of our families' most memorable celebrations. These days I find myself mostly entrenched in the life of a working mom so I don’t carve out the time to indulge in my hobby near as often as I’d like, but every now and then you’ll find me in my element in the kitchen, piping bag in hand.

5) What is your favorite mode of transportation and why?

Definitely driving! Starting on the lawn mower, motorcycles and eventually his truck, my dad had me behind the wheel at a very young age. As I got older, he even taught me to drive a few heavy machines like his backhoe and loader! As a kid, it was so fun to climb into the driver’s seat and be able to just GO! I’m so thankful I grew up in a place (and a time) when you could have fun and freedom like that. These days I stick mostly to my car, but whether it's short jaunts around town running errands or long road trips, you can bet that I will always volunteer to be the one behind the wheel!