Friday, September 13, 2024

Feedback favorable for proposed PF traffic projects

Staff Writer | September 21, 2023 1:06 AM

POST FALLS — Responses were overwhelmingly positive Wednesday evening as the Post Falls Highway District gauged public opinion about plans to widen Prairie Avenue from Meyer Road to Highway 41 and construct a roundabout at Meyer and Hayden Avenue.

"As much as I hate to say it, I am in favor of the roundabout," said Mike Compton, who owns the southwest corner of Meyer and Hayden. "I've seen numerous accidents over the years there. I've administered first aid, I've had vehicles roll into my property, I've had my mower destroyed because of the wire that got left behind."

He asked highway district commissioners to consider placing a temporary traffic light across the intersection prior to the project commencing.

"I think that would be beneficial to all of the individuals that live in the area right there, as well as the possibility of saving more lives in the future," Compton said.

He was one of about 20 people, including several engineers, who attended the public hearing and board meeting at the Post Falls Highway District office on Seltice Way.

An open house was held prior to the meeting to provide information about the proposed projects.

Widening Prairie is part of a multi-phase project to increase connectivity and capacity from U.S. 95 to State Highway 41 by increasing Prairie to include two lanes for both east and west direction, a middle turn lane where appropriate and the addition of pedestrian infrastructure, including a multi-use trail. Improvements have already been completed from U.S. 95 to Meyer; this would be the final step in the 95 to 41 connection project.

The intersection at Hayden and Meyer experiences high collision rates and high severity of wrecks, according to Post Falls Highway district data. Significant traffic delays occur there as well. The installation of a roundabout is expected to improve vehicle safety, reduce wrecks and ease traffic congestion.

Mark Hughes of Hughes Farm on Prairie spoke favorably about widening the arterial.

"There has been discussion maybe the city would want some sort of access between where the homestead currently is and the (railroad) tracks," he said, adding future development is anticipated in the design phase.

"We're in favor of the widening," he said. "We thought it was going to happen well before now."

Wayne Earling of Hayden asked the highway commissioners to consider truck traffic when installing roundabouts.

"Roundabouts are great," he said, adding they keep traffic flowing, "but for a trucker, it's a nightmare."

The commissioners did not vote on either project during the meeting, but will continue the discussions at future meetings. If approved, the projects will reach final design phases in the coming months and will be bid-ready in mid-2024, with construction expected in 2028.

"It's kind of a two-fer public hearing tonight talking about Prairie and also about the Hayden and Meyer roundabout," Board Chair Jeff Tyler said.

Regular meetings of the commissioners are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the commissioners meeting room at the Post Falls Highway District Office, 5629 E. Seltice Way, Post Falls.