Monday, March 31, 2025

CDA: You can have it

| September 10, 2023 1:00 AM

I give up and will move back to San Francisco this week. I sold my home in S.F. for a little over $800,000 and moved to Coeur d’Alene during the COVID epidemic during the winter. I rented an apartment near the Kroc Center to be able to use the gym.

Too many people had no vaccinations and wore no masks. No gym.

The snow was terrible and never saw the sun for weeks on end. Had to buy snow tires to get around.

My California plates got my car scratched, had eggs and tomatoes thrown on it and given the finger when driving.

I felt the Democrats were the problem in S.F. with homeless and drugs and crime, but felt it was worse in CDA with the looney tunes running the Republican Central Committee as well as some schools and colleges.

Then I had to suffer through weeks in the summer with smoke so bad I had to stay indoors or inhale particulate matter.

I give you CDA and will gladly take S.F. with Democrats, fresh air, drugs, homeless and what ever it offers. I will allow the door now to hit me in the a--.


Coeur d’Alene