Wednesday, July 03, 2024


| September 1, 2023 1:00 AM

I read this article by Josa Snow and thought, what’s the punch line? It would take 10 to 12 paragraphs to go line by line and eviscerate that nonsense. So I’ll just take one “Pandemic savings and high wage growth have helped consumers weather inflation” What? Are you kidding me! Consumers have the lowest level of savings and are racking up the highest level of debt to get by month to month in over 20 years. Wage growth has been lower than the inflation rate that’s eating up that wage growth at a rate we haven’t seen in 20 as well.

Today, Aug. 25, 2023, the feds are talking about raising the interest rates again, putting the people without savings even deeper in debt for the consumer debt they’ve already incurred and making the future dimmer as well.

On a good note, Josa Snow has a future in comedy. If Josa Snow could stand up on comedy night and read that article with a straight face, Josa Snow would pack the house and make a fortune on satire.

