Saturday, November 30, 2024

ELECTION: Vote for McAndrew

| October 29, 2023 1:00 AM

For the past eight years it has been my honor to serve our community as the Zone 2 representative on the Coeur d’Alene School District Board of Trustees. I am keenly aware of the opportunities and challenges facing the district and I wholeheartedly support Jimmy McAndrew for Zone 2 Trustee on Nov. 7 to help navigate the district’s future.

Jimmy truly represents what every voter should be looking for in a school board candidate: He’s a North Idaho native that understands and represents our local values. He’s a successful business professional with more than 20 years’ experience in finance and management. He’s focused on improving student achievement and extracurricular opportunities. He’s dedicated to bringing our community together and increasing trust and transparency.

He’s committed to stretching ever dollar and being a solid steward of taxpayer finances. He’s levelheaded, practical and approachable. He’s an optimist with an infectious personality and a seemingly endless supply of energy. Most importantly, Jimmy is a strong family man willing to put in the time to ensure the best for his own kids and our community.

Please join me in supporting Jimmy Mac for Coeur d’Alene School Board Trustee, Zone 2 on Nov. 7!

