Wednesday, July 03, 2024

ELECTION: Vote for Griffin, Schroeder and Gibbons

| October 27, 2023 1:00 AM

Do not let our School District be held hostage to the political divisiveness we’ve seen in West Bonner County School District and the NIC board. I have lived in the Silver Valley for 50+ years. I support our public education system and the very dedicated and hardworking employees in School District 391. It’s easy to take for granted what you have until you don’t have it. Democracy, public education, and public libraries are just a few of the systems that serve all of us and are crucial to the functioning of successful communities.

Listen with caution when candidates tell you that our school district is wasting our tax dollars or indoctrinating our children. We need local, experienced and invested individuals on our school board who stay focused on the issues that matter in Shoshone County, not an agenda driven by divisiveness and political agendas. The public education system serves all of the children in Shoshone County. Support our schools. Please vote. Your voice is more important than ever. Support our school levy and support local candidates who have shown themselves to be advocates for all the students in School District 391. Debby and I are supporting Alexa Griffin for Zone 4, John Schroeder for Zone 5, and Sam Gibbons for Zone 3. And voting yes for the replacement supplemental levy.

