Monday, July 08, 2024

NIC: Lawyers should have answer to Banducci question

| October 25, 2023 1:00 AM

At the Sept. 27 NIC Board of Trustees meeting, Todd Banducci asked the question “If you have the formula on how to buy out a president’s contract, please bring it to me, or bring it to us, OK?.”

Well Todd, I am not a lawyer, but you know who is? The two lawyers that you and the other KCRCC vetted members of the BOT chose to hire at a combined rate of $675 an hour of Kootenai County taxpayer money. We know Art Macomber is intimately familiar with professional contracts; he’s spent the better part of the last 10 months trying to void Dr. Nick Swayne’s contract unsuccessfully while invoicing tens of thousands of dollars to local taxpayers.

Trustee Waggoner comes from the corporate executive world. I am certain he has dealt with contracts a time or two in his professional career.

Dr. South has stated that he intended to be an interim president. He did this at the January and February 2023 meetings. Art Macomber approved his contract and knows the details contained therein.

Here’s an idea: Have your lawyers meet with HR and draw up the detailed value of his contract. Send an offer letter to Dr. South’s lawyers. Negotiate a settlement, even if it’s for the full value of the contract. I believe you are intending to keep him on the payroll as long as possible anyways, so end this now.

NIC needs to have one president per the NWCCU. Your efforts to do your best to violate court orders and settlements to ensure it’s not Dr. Nick Swayne risks the ruin of one of the best community assets in North Idaho.


Coeur d’Alene