Friday, June 28, 2024

RESIDENCY QUESTIONS: Attempt to stifle trustee’s voice

| October 22, 2023 1:00 AM

I am dismayed that speculation regarding a possible/temporary relocation of a school board trustee ended up on the front page of our local paper and even more dismayed that the CDA School Board of Trustees is holding a special board meeting to discuss this. How fortunate are those women in our community who have not experienced the need, whether from illness, divorce, bankruptcy, domestic violence, etc., to seek and receive support from a family member. How fortunate that Trustee Anderton has a local family member offering her support during a difficult and personal time.

I view this as an attempt to stifle the voice of a legally elected school board member who is willing to speak on behalf of her constituents. If the board chooses to remove her from her position, I see the writing on the wall — they will then again, in an unfair process, appoint an unelected candidate who will not best represent their community, but instead do the bidding of those who have appointed them.

Very discouraged by this most recent attempt to overturn the will of the voters.


Coeur d’Alene