Monday, July 08, 2024

OPEN SPACE BOND: More info needed

| October 22, 2023 1:00 AM

Haven’t decided how I’ll vote but: 1) their plan seems too general at this point. I need more specific information how you envision spending $50 million. After all you’ve had months to work on your plan. What is it?, 2) You say current market interest rates are 3.7%. How can you sell 20-year bonds at 3.7% interest when the U.S. Treasuries 10-year note is selling at 4.9% and the 30-year bond 5.1%? Why would anyone buy this bond at 3.7%? If you have to raise your interest rate to 5% or more then doesn’t the property tax of $8 per $100,000 in assessed valuation understate what we will be actually charged?

I sent a letter two months ago to the county commissioners suggesting this bond issue doesn’t have enough sizzle to get a 66.6% vote. Next to Honeysuckle Beach is a property that looks like about 75-100 acres. It’s used to grow hay. It would make a fantastic regional park. They could expand the beach, enlarge the boat launch and have room for numerous other park related activities including, heaven forbid, a parking lot. None of them responded. They must have a different plan. Wonder what it is?


Hayden Lake