Tuesday, June 25, 2024

NORRIS: ‘I’ll trust the sheriff’

| October 11, 2023 1:00 AM

Regarding the Oct. 5 My Turn open letter to our sheriff, we are all products of our education, training and experience. Sometimes experiences such as the author describes. I have worked a lifetime in emergency services as a firefighter/paramedic and treated rape patients from under 1 year old to octogenarian, so am not unfamiliar with violence. I am also a grandparent so share concerns about what is available to our kids, regardless of source.

Police officers, in particular, are exposed to horrors that most us should be thankful for not seeing. I do not think the sheriff or his office is attacking the library system as this author postulates. The key phrase in her piece was “age appropriate knowledge” protects kids. I agree. Who gets to decide what is age appropriate? It seems to me, based upon my experience with kids and grandkids, that often today the schools and libraries are not making good judgments on this topic. In fact, there is plenty of evidence to the contrary. I took my oldest daughter out of public school in 1982 after seeing her Howard Zinn history book. When I have asked about similar texts today, I am told by one granddaughter that they are not allowed to bring their books home for parents to see. Why? I’ll trust the sheriff on this one.

Stay safe,


Post Falls