Wednesday, March 05, 2025

FAST FIVE: Asa Gray: Elections, reflections, baby on the way

Staff Writer | October 7, 2023 1:00 AM

Meet Asa Gray, elections manager for Kootenai County. Asa has worked for the Kootenai County Elections Department for over five years and has been in the role of elections manager for the last two years. He and his lovely wife Brittany reside in Coeur d’Alene with their two dogs and their first child on the way. Asa is a graduate of North Idaho College, graduating in 2017 with an AA in general studies.

1) How did you become interested in being an elections manager — what attracted you to this line of work?

I was raised in a very politically-minded home. At age 8, I recall my family tracking the 2004 Presidential Electoral College votes as the states were called for either Bush or Kerry. A few years later, my mother started taking me to rallies and political meetings, and this really kick-started my interest in politics.

In 2011, we moved to the Priest River area, and soon got involved in the political arena in Bonner County. Through this involvement I got to know various candidates for office, leading me to volunteer for the Sage Dixon campaign for Idaho State House in 2014. After a primary election where he successfully defeated the incumbent, and a successive victory in the general election, I was able to go with him to Boise as an intern for the 2015 legislative session. The experience I gained during this internship provided me with experience in government, experience that prepared me for later work at the elections office. I am grateful to this day for Rep. Dixon having given me this amazing learning opportunity.

All of these things combined to foster in me a personal interest in elections that carries into my work today.

2) What are a few questions people always ask around election time that you can answer right now?

A very common question I hear concerns ballots and the different districts that are up for election. “Why is ----- office not on my ballot?” This is especially common for school board trustee offices. The answer is that only voters residing within that specific district or zone can vote on that office, so only voters within that school zone elect the trustee for that zone. It is not a districtwide vote. This differs from the North Idaho College trustees, who must live within their zone, but are elected districtwide.

Another frequent question is, “Can I vote on the day before the election?” The answer is no. There is no voting the day prior to the election per Idaho law. However, our department does conduct early voting at our office for the two full weeks before Election Day. This election the early voting timeframe is Oct. 23-Nov. 3 during normal business hours.

3) What are some of your favorite things about serving the public in the elections manager capacity?

There are a lot of things about this job that I enjoy, but one of my favorite is seeing and helping families vote together. Being blessed with a little one of my own on the way has given me a fresh perspective on what it means to educate children, and I think voting is an important civic duty that we must pass on to the next generation.

An everyday responsibility I enjoy performing is serving with my coworkers to impartially support citizens’ abilities to cast their votes. Whether this is reminding voters of the different methods they can utilize for voting, giving feedback on pending legislation or simply helping an elderly voter with filling out an absentee request form, ensuring people can exercise their ability to vote is important to me.

One other thing I love is actually checking in voters at an e-poll book during early voting. Many people who come in to vote are very kind and positive, and I enjoy being able to provide friendly service while also helping to give them an efficient voting experience.

We have an amazing team here at elections. The people working in this office are honest and fair, and I am grateful to work with them to serve our voters.

4) What is something people would be surprised to know about you?

Politics is not my biggest passion or gifting. Actually, hospitality is probably my biggest gifting, specifically hosting events for family or friends. I absolutely love that my wife and I get to host Thanksgiving at our place, and I enjoy both cooking and baking.

5) How do you unwind after election season?

I try to basically change my mindset to not be focused on politics. For me this means I watch lots of sports, especially during college football season. If possible, I go down to a late-season Boise State home football game. I also enjoy time relaxing with friends and family. I take long, peaceful drives with worship music and I try to get out of town and into creation, preferably at Glacier National Park.

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Do you know someone in Kootenai County who makes our community awesome? Send Fast Five suggestions to Devin Weeks,, to highlight locals who contribute their time and talents to make North Idaho such a special place.