Friday, July 05, 2024

FENTANYL: Write to your members of Congress

| October 4, 2023 1:00 AM

Has anyone, especially our elected officials in the federal government, paid any serious attention at all to the magnitude of the number of American deaths recently attributed to fentanyl laced products being illegally brought into the USA through our southern border?

Over 77,000 Americans have been killed by fentanyl just in the last year. The vast majority of those killed were civilians (including hundreds, perhaps thousands, of children under the age of 18). To put this into perspective, consider that it took 10 years for North Vietnam, the Viet Cong, China and the Soviet Union to kill 58,000+ Americans, the vast majority of whom were adult members of our United States Armed Forces serving in the Vietnam war zone. The number of Americans killed by fentanyl during just the past three years is nearly 200,000+. The vast majority of these casualties have been civilians (including thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of children).

China, Mexican cartels and, one can surmise, elements of the Mexican government, are the primary perpetrators of this massive killing of Americans. The illegal introduction of fentanyl laced products across our southern border must stop. I implore your readers to write their U.S. Representatives and Senators demanding they take unequivocal, serious action (up to and including declarations of war) to put an end to the current threat of American genocide.


Lt Col, USAF (retired)

Coeur d’Alene