Friday, June 28, 2024

CLN TRUSTEES: Politicizing, wasting time, shunning intellectual freedom

| November 29, 2023 1:00 AM

Our right to be free thinkers is one of our most basic virtues, defined simply by being human. The current board majority of the Community Library Network believes this way of thought, these intellectual freedoms, simply do not exist. The fact that several members of the board do not understand the First Amendment or self determination is deplorable.

I am a product of an Idaho charter school, currently enrolled in four colleges as a full-time dual-credit student, and actively contribute to the Coeur d’Alene workforce. I should not have to fight for my own education or right to knowledge.

College admission scores and graduation rates have taken a dip, and instead of being concerned with keeping libraries accessible, people are busy politicizing what is and isn’t allowed in a space for everyone. As a high school senior and second year college student, I heavily depend upon the library to pursue my education. Fearing children being indoctrinated to the wrong side, these select board members have wasted the time of other trustees, library staff and public. 

Here we are in 2023, with all of the information of the world at our fingertips, yet we choose to restrict the cognitive development of our youth in these free, safe spaces.


Post Falls