Saturday, November 30, 2024

ELECTION: Vote for Saterfiel and Davis

| November 3, 2023 1:00 AM

It is imperative that we prevent the chaos that is currently happening at NIC from infecting city government in Hayden. The threat is real as Regan acolytes are on the ballot.

Please vote to re-elect Roger Saterfiel to the council and Alan Davis for mayor.  Both are competent and have no agenda but service to the citizens and preservation of the community.

Roger had a stellar record as Kootenai County Solid Waste Director and has served admirably on the city council for 16 years. Alan had a distinguished career in the Navy rising from the lowest enlisted rank to Lieutenant Commander and has served on the planning commission currently as chairman.

Both men are exactly what you want in city government: competent, thoughtful and committed to community with no agenda but good government. Vote for Roger and Alan.

