Saturday, November 30, 2024

ELECTION: Vote for Davis and Saterfiel

| November 3, 2023 1:00 AM

I moved to the city of Hayden in 1975 with my family;  my wife was born in Idaho. We've lived in our home in the city of Hayden since 2007. We are proud to live in Hayden, raise our children here, have volunteered countless hours to Hayden's recreation programs, impact fee and public safety committees, urban renewal district, and have had the opportunity to grow our businesses here.  

The Hayden Mayoral and Council races have the chance to change Hayden. Sommer for mayor, who moved here in 2013, and Shafer for council, who moved here in 2020, would have you believe by their statements that they will fix all that's wrong with Hayden and have all the answers for their perceived issues. Neither have any local public service experience and are running trash and burn campaigns. I can only assume their leadership style would be similar?

Alan Davis has more than a decade of volunteering in Hayden in many different roles including Planning & Zoning.  Roger Saterfiel has spent more than 16 years serving Hayden's citizens on the council. Both have a clear understanding of the issues and the efforts needed to protect Hayden's quality of life. They are proven leaders and will act in the best interest of all of Hayden's citizens.

Please join me on Nov. 7 in voting for Alan for city of Hayden mayor and Roger for Hayden City Council.

