Saturday, November 30, 2024

ELECTION: Vote for Davis and Saterfiel

| November 1, 2023 1:00 AM

I don’t trust people who lie. The talking points of Sommer and Shafer telling people that the city of Hayden continues to “approve high density development one-after-another” is a complete lie. They are both jumping on the growth bandwagon because they don’t have any real issues. Hayden has not approved, or issued, any building permits in the last two years for any high-density development. ZERO!

Were Alan Davis and Roger Saterfiel involved in the 2040 Comp Plan? Yes, as it was presented in around 2018-2020. The Comp Plan is a statutorily required plan. It is a fluid document that can be changed as seen necessary. As Hayden has experienced, along with the entire region, unprecedented growth the last 3-5 years, both Alan Davis and Roger Saterfiel have recognized that the 2040 Comprehensive Plan needs revision. 

Both Alan Davis and Roger Saterfiel have voted to reduce the density of Mixed Use (Apartments) from the original 20 dwelling units per acre to 12. They both voted to eliminate Residential Multi-Family (14+ dwellings per acre) and replace it with Mixed Residential (single family, twin or tri home) capped at 8 dwellings per acre. 

Both Alan Davis and Roger Saterfiel have the experience to recognize what is best for the citizens of Hayden and they are continuing to work on better managing growth and density. 

Please vote for Alan Davis and Roger Saterfiel. Don’t let two more KCRCC-endorsed candidates turn Hayden into the next North Idaho College, Library Network, or West Bonner School District. If elected, I believe that Sommer and Shafer will bring the same turmoil, disarray and taxpayer funded litigation that we see in those entities.  


Hayden citizen