Monday, October 14, 2024

Keep outdoors pristine, respect others this weekend

by CONNOR LIESS/Contributing Writer
| May 25, 2023 1:00 AM

The long-awaited respite that reenergizes people who developed a heated bitterness toward winter is finally here — Memorial Day weekend. This weekend, thousands of outdoor-minded folks will crawl out of their winter hibernation hoping to soak up the sun’s rays.

The recreational gems of this state are different for everyone. For some, it’s throwing a hook and bobber into a vast reservoir. For others, it’s camping at a state park or in the backcountry high up in the timber, watching the smoke from a half dozen campfires merging above the trees and floating down a river canyon. And for some, it’s shredding their legs climbing just to see what lies above the next granite, treeless ridge.

Idahoans who cherish the outdoors can fight to keep it clean and wild. There aren’t a whole lot of states as untouched and undisturbed — and it’s best to keep it that way.

Diving into Memorial Day weekend, keep these principles tucked somewhere accessible in a mental storage tote and remember one thing: Respecting the outdoors and fellow recreationists makes better holidays.

That doesn’t just apply to neighbors down the Forest Service road, the boater on the far side of the lake or the out-of-state family experiencing the Sawtooths for the first time; it applies to everyone. Keeping Idaho’s outdoors pristine, and being a good neighbor when out enjoying it, is something everyone can take pride in.

Know Before You Go

By now, many recreation sites will be open, but it's important to do some digging and planning ahead before driving to a deep pocket of the backcountry.

Winter took its toll on the landscape, and there are still many areas — especially at higher elevations — where snowpack has barely receded. For information on conditions and possible hazards, call the local U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management or Idaho Fish and Game office to get up-to-date information on road and trail closures.

Even if some roads are accessible, that doesn’t mean they are clear of potential hazards. It's important to be cautious when traveling along narrow Forest Service roads.

Washouts present a major hazard as spring runoff erodes riverbanks, taking with it slabs of road. Earlier this month, a road on the Craig Mountain Wildlife Management Area in the Clearwater Region gave way to heavy spring runoff, while another road along the Boise River’s north fork caved in, taking a pickup with it.

Many trails have not been cleared of downfall and debris built up over winter, so pick trails carefully and avoid muddy trails where even hiking can cause damage.

Howdy, Neighbor

The benefits of the outdoor season can be a little isolation in a picturesque spot. But most Forest Service roads or campgrounds don’t work like that. The reality is, most spots will likely be within earshot of someone else, so being mindful of others in the woods is still important.

No one wants to hear their camping neighbors firing off a 21-gun .22-caliber salute at dawn, or a blaring boombox at 1 a.m.

It might sound a little hypocritical, people go into nature to be free to have a fun time after all. That might mean a wagon train of five RVs parked in one helicopter pad-sized chunk of public land. A few beers later and out come the cornhole boards and Bluetooth speakers.

But a short distance away might be a family taking their 8-year-old camping and fishing for the first time, an experience that’s challenging enough without the burden of engines revving and occasional gunfire.

Camping is different for everyone, and there’s nothing wrong with having a good ol' time with friends and family. But being mindful of the good times of other folks is still good outdoor etiquette.

Pack It In, Pack It Out

If this seems like a no-brainer, it unfortunately isn’t. Every outdoor season, hundreds of Idaho campsites — both designated and dispersed — as well as roadways and beaches are left paying the price of irresponsible people. It’s commonly considered by the IDFG one of the most inexcusable, infuriating acts someone who aligns themselves with the outdoor community can commit.

Memorial Day, or any day for that matter, that patch of forest or desert is a temporary outdoor home. With the long drive over, campers survey the carefully chosen, vacant lot with pride, set to work unfolding the plastic table and camp chairs, then reach straight for the cooler. But that moment of relaxation can be quickly stifled by other people's trash.

No one’s idea of a memorable weekend in the backwoods is spending the first quarter of it picking up someone else’s trash from the weekends before.

No matter how full an SUV is with gear, there's always room for a trash bag.

Bring it in, bring it out. It isn’t someone else’s problem.

Report Illegal Activity, But Don’t Intervene

Recreationists are the eyes and ears of the backcountry when Fish and Game conservation officers can’t be present. Character is who people are when no one’s looking, and it’s pretty easy to escape eyes in Idaho’s backwoods. For those who witness something sketchy or illegal, IDFG asks them to report it, but advises people not to directly confront people doing it.

Being a good witness not only helps Fish and Game and other officers, it ultimately increases the likelihood that the violator abusing Idaho’s wildlife resources is held accountable. Take the following three steps when witnessing a suspicious scene:

• Document as much as possible, including taking photos and saving GPS locations. Focus on the suspect and be specific. Unique descriptions, such as license plates, facial hair and tattoos, can be incredibly helpful for officers.

• Call it in as soon as possible. The longer it takes for the information to get to an officer, the harder it is to investigate a case.

• Don’t let scenery distract from the big picture.

There is a reason so many people want to come to Idaho to live or to visit, recreate, fish, hunt and experience true wildness.

To hand off this magnificent state to the next generation of hunters, anglers and outdoorsfolk, locals shouldn’t leave behind a fire ring full of garbage.

Memorial Day weekend is an important time to remind people getting outdoors that being responsible and courteous is important. But not just for this weekend, for all outings where people make an impact on their surroundings.

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Connor Liess is a public information specialitst for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game.