Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Roundup: Highway district commissioner candidates

| May 13, 2023 1:00 AM

KOOTENAI COUNTY - The following candidates are seeking election in contested races for several highway district commissioner positions on Tuesday.

All candidates were asked the same questions and given the same deadline and number of words per answer.

Editor’s note: Similar profiles were published about Community Library Network trustee candidates and Kootenai Hospital District trustee candidates earlier this week.

Mike Curry, Lakes Highway District - Sub-district 3

• How long have you been a resident of the district in which you are seeking election?

I have been a resident of Lakes Highway District Sub District 3 since spring of 2021. We have been homeowners in Coeur d’Alene since 1985. I was born in Spokane and due to the military my family traveled until after I graduated from high school. We returned to the area in 1985.

• What experience would you bring to the position?

After graduating from North Idaho College as a non-typical student (old, lol) in 2004, I began working in North Idaho and Inland Empire as a civil engineering tech and land use planner. The past 19 years have been solely dedicated to land use entitlement, stormwater design/permitting and civil design of roads, water systems and sewer systems.

I have worked with all the local jurisdictions including but not limited to Kootenai County, Bonner County, Shoshone County, Benewah County, Spokane County, cities of Spokane, Coeur d’Alene, Post Falls, Kellogg, St. Maries, Harrison, Sandpoint, Hayden, Rathdrum, Hauser, Athol, Bayview, utility companies throughout the area and a few agencies such as health districts, fire districts and of course all four highway districts in Kootenai County.

• What is the No. 1 reason you are seeking election?

I wish to use my experience and knowledge to serve the constituents of Lakes Highway District. I have a special place in my heart for Kootenai County and its people as it and they have afforded me and my family a spectacular life in a spectacular place. If I win this election I will serve for this term and one additional: If the constituents will have me, I believe in term limits.

Steve Adams, Lakes Highway District - Sub-District 3

• How long have you been a resident of the district in which you are seeking election?

18 years.

• What experience would you bring to the position?

I studied Business Administration at North Idaho College and the University of Idaho, and have been an insurance professional for over 31 years in the Coeur d'Alene area. My community involvement has included being a soup kitchen volunteer (Unseen Ministries), youth sports coach and umpire (Coeur d’Alene Junior Tackle, Coeur d’Alene Little League and AAU Basketball), Sunday school teacher (North Country Chapel Children’s Ministry) and having an annual ministry to the poor.

I have formerly served as: Coeur d’Alene City Councilman, City of Coeur d’Alene Parking Commission, City of Coeur d’Alene General Services Committee, City of Coeur d’Alene Pedestrian/Bicycle Committee, Republican Party Precinct Committeeman (three terms), Republican Party District Four Chairman, Kootenai County Reagan Republicans Board Member, North West Property Owners Alliance Board Member.

• What is the No. 1 reason you are seeking election?

I believe Christian Conservatives should be involved at all levels of government. God has opened this door for me to potentially participate.

Lynn Humphreys, Post Falls Highway District - Sub-District 3

• How long have you been a resident of the district in which you are seeking election?

I have lived at my current residence here in Post Falls Highway District for 33 years and the community for more than 70 years.

• What experience would you bring to the position?

The experience that I bring to all the residents of the district is, I have been a commissioner for 28 years for PFHD. I have served as the chairman for 22 of those 28 years. I served on the Idaho State Board of Highway Districts for 14 years holding each office that the board has for a term of at least two years, including President. I am one of the first 10 elected officials that created Kootenai Metropolitan Planning Organization. I have been the president of Associated Highway Districts of Kootenai county. In my tenure As a commissioner I have helped oversee many road improvements in the whole district, like Prairie Avenue from two lanes to five lanes, on Riverview, improvements from Stateline to Highway-95, sections of Hidden Valley area, the opening of Pleasant View Road and many many paving projects all over the district. I offer to you the history and the experience of almost three decades of knowledge and leadership that has made our roads a better, safer system to travel.

• What is the No. 1 reason you are seeking election?

I have many reasons why I want to be re-elected but the number one reason, I feel I can offer a much more complete package of expertise on how a highway district functions and I would be honored and humbled to give our community the years of experience that I bring to the table.

Glen Heape, Post Falls Highway District - Sub-District 3

• How long have you been a resident of the district in which you are seeking election?

In preparation for my retirement from a 25 year career in the U.S. Army, my wife and I purchased a property in Kootenai County in 2016. After a two year tour of duty in Alaska, I became an official resident in 2019.

• What experience would you bring to the position?

My experience as a senior Army officer and proven leader will be a great asset to the Post Falls Highway District. PFHD is very similar to assignments I have had in the past. I led many organizations that were allocated tax dollars to accomplish specific tasks and objectives using the resources available. These organizations need leaders that can quickly assess requirements and organize capabilities to complete tasks in an effective and efficient manner. It is incumbent on leaders of our public entities to be committed stewards of the taxpayer funds and guard against excess and waste. I did this throughout my military career and I was promoted to the rank of Colonel in recognition of my abilities.

• What is the No. 1 reason you are seeking election?

Our roadway system is incredibly important to all citizens of our great county. It affects every aspect of our lives. The pace of growth around us will erode resources and funds at a rapid pace. Our commissioners need to be strong leaders that are agile, energetic, and collaborative as well as have the ability to provide a clear perspective to deal with challenges as they emerge.

Additionally, I want to do all I can to bolster our highway district and to support efforts that minimize government and to protect each citizen’s God-given right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

Phil Cooper, Worley Highway District — Subdistrict 1, incumbent candidate

• How long have you been a resident of the district in which you are seeking election?

I have lived in the same house in the Worley Highway District for over 29 years. My wife of 39 years and I raised our three sons in the Worley Highway District, and they graduated from Coeur d’Alene Public Schools. I have lived in the Great State of Idaho most of my life.

• What experience would you bring to the position?

I am currently the Worley Highway District Commissioner for Subdistrict 1, a position I have held for the last four years. I work closely with my fellow commissioners, employees of the district and the residents of the community to hold public meetings, set priorities, rank road projects, develop budgets and understand highway district funding sources. This has included working to secure both federal and state grants to bring highway use fuel tax dollars back to residents of the district. I attend annual sessions for Highway Commissioners that are held by the Idaho Association of Highway Districts.

We have a highly trained, hard-working and efficient road crew that daily keeps roads maintained for safe travel for area residents and visitors. We maintain existing roads and culverts and apply for federal and state grant funds for major work such as bridge replacement and intersection redesign, bringing gas tax dollars back to the district.

For 31 years, I was a Communications Manager for the Idaho Fish and Game Department, working closely with the north Idaho public promoting hunting, fishing and other outdoor recreation. I oversaw firearms safety programs, hunter education, archery education, shooting range safety and fish and wildlife education programs.

• What is the No. 1 reason you are seeking election?

The WHD is operating very effectively and efficiently at minimal cost. I am seeking reelection to continue this work. We have an exceptional, well trained, professional and courteous crew and office staff. We receive frequent compliments for how well the roads are maintained, and plowed in a timely and safe manner. I am proud to be part of this organization that serves the public so well.

My opponent moved to Idaho two years ago. My opponent’s only goal for the district is to cut the budget. He hasn’t said which services he would cut. He doesn’t say which roads will not be plowed or maintained. He hasn’t said which days of the week snow removal will not be done. This has happened in other highway districts.

A 3% levy increase does not increase a homeowners highway tax by 3%. With increasing land values and inevitable growth, a 3% levy increase sometimes results in a decrease (2021). The typical owner in Kootenai County has seen an average increase in their payment for safe roads of $9/year the last four years. Safe travel for school buses, timely commuting to work, church and the grocery is certainly well worth $9 a year.

Ron Hartman, Worley Highway District — Subdistrict 1

• How long have you been a resident of the district in which you are seeking election?

I, Ronald W. Hartman, have always wanted to live in Coeur d’Alene. I have owned property in the Worley Highway District for approximately eight years. I have now lived in the Worley Highway District full time for approximately three years.

• What experience would you bring to the position?

I retired from Caterpillar July 2021 after 45 years in corporate 100 companies, 32 years at Ford Motor Company, 11 years at Caterpillar Inc and two years at John Deere. I have a Bachelor of Science, BS in Industrial Engineering and Masters in Business, MBA both from the University of Missouri.

My career included product engineering design, product engineering development, product planning and manufacturing engineering across diverse global engineering management and strategic supply-base management. I am experienced in designing and launching new vehicles, power train systems, components and prototypes.

This experience gives me a good understanding of off-road machinery and Class 6 and Class 7 Trucks. All of which are needed to maintain roads.

I am endorsed by the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC).

• What is the No. 1 reason you are seeking election?

Taxes, growth, privacy.

Taxes: There are four highway districts in Kootenai County: Worley, Post Falls, Lakes and East Side. Only one, Worley Highway District, voted the maximum increase of 3% property levy tax for the last four years. Even when Gov. Little signed the Transportation Fund Bill, March of 2022 which includes $200 million for local bridges. Voting record for property levy tax of the four districts, last four years: Worley, 3% all last four years. Post Falls, -1% last two years, 0% three and four years ago. Lakes, 0% all last four years. East Side, 0% last two years, 3%, three and four years ago. My opponent, for Worley, voted the maximum increase of 3% the last four years. I will vote to follow the example set by Post Falls Highway District to reduce your property levy tax by 1% each year.

Growth: I will work with the Kootenai County Commissioners and Coeur d’Alene Tribe on well managed growth staying within the approved zoning rules. New growth needs to pay for growth.

Privacy: I will fight to stop the installation of cameras at intersections. This is a direct threat to your privacy and should be eliminated.


Photo courtesy of Lynn Humphreys

Lynn Humphreys


Photo courtesy of Steve Adams

Steve Adams


Photo courtesy of Mike Curry

Mike Curry


Photo courtesy of Glen Heape

Glen Heape


Ronald Hartman

