Wednesday, October 09, 2024


| May 10, 2023 1:00 AM

Most of us have a special memory from elementary school. One of my memories involves a classroom presentation by Judy Meyer.

‘Mrs. Meyer’ shared slides of a recent trip. On that day, the entire sixth grade of Hayden Elementary was transported beyond our classroom as we ‘visited’ Kenya.

Until the presentation, the only resource we had to learn about Kenya was an old, tattered classroom set of National Geographic magazines. But Judy Meyer brought Africa to life through photographs, trinkets, textiles …and snacks!

She is a natural teacher with a soft spoken heart and explorer spirit. This activity wasn’t much different than a missionary coming to my church, except all of my friends were there.

I next encountered NIC Trustee Judy Meyer in the 90s while I was student body president. Judy consistently displayed the patience of Job and modeled respectful advocacy listening to me. In fact, Judy was so respectful that I can’t recall if we actually disagreed.

Judy picked up this Sufi Blessing in her travels and it serves as a guidepost:

“From you I receive. To you I give. Together we share. By this we live.”

The blessing can be put another way: ‘Be open. Be generous. Connect with others, to thrive together.’

Judy’s true passion is with our public libraries. I believe Judy, along with her running mate, Regina McCrea, are the right choice on May 16.

Please vote Judy Meyer and Regina McCrea for our libraries. I also urge a Yes vote for our schools.


Coeur d’Alene