Saturday, September 28, 2024


| May 5, 2023 1:00 AM

Those of us in elected office all have moments where we reflect upon what it means to be a public servant. For some it’s the appeal of “being somebody.” For others it’s a paycheck, or a commitment to a partisan ideology. Fortunately, there are public officials who serve because they have a servant’s heart. The last category is how I describe my dear friend and role model Judy Meyer and her fellow CLN library trustee Regina McCrea.

Judy has spent decades in our community giving her time, money and expertise to numerous organizations focused on serving others and the community. Regina participates in similar activities.

Lately, Judy and her fellow library trustee Regina McCrea have been under attack by the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee. Filthy propaganda portraying them as pedophiles, and groomers has been distributed by this so-called “Republican” group and their affiliates.

It seems they have no bottom when it comes to a negative campaign.

The KCRCC has aligned itself with white nationalists, authoritarians and Libertarian/anarchists. Former Sen. Mary Souza has authored a brilliant road map in her Press columns to who they really are and the dogma they spew. Meyer and McCrea have promised our citizens our libraries will continue to be safe places with no political, social, or religious agendas or censorship. Meanwhile, their opponents are loudly calling for banning books.

Judy and Regina developed policies that provide for parents to choose reading materials for their children, not the KCRCC.

Please join me in supporting actual public servants and vote for Meyer and McCrea as Community Library Network Trustees.


Coeur d’Alene