Wednesday, October 09, 2024


| May 3, 2023 1:00 AM

In 2017, I was elected a Community Library District (CLN) Trustee. Up until the 2021 election, I had never heard a mention of or seen a written communication that expressed concern regarding any type of sexual content in the libraries.

During the 2021 election, the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee had just started their take over efforts of all the taxing districts. The KCRCC made sexual content in children’s books their key issue in defeating me. However, not one of those “concerned citizens” filled out the “Citizen’s Request for Reconsideration of Material” form to have the scurrilous books removed from the libraries. Instead, the complainers checked out these books and continued to share them publicly over the next two years.

This year’s election isn’t about children or teen books. KCRCC-endorsed library candidate Plass wrote in his application seeking their endorsement, “My goal is to ensure the libraries of Kootenai County are cleared out of immoral books and material that promote vice… If adults want to read this material, they should visit an adult bookstore… If some families want a different morality basis, they can go over to libraries in Washington.” KCRCC endorsed Plass and censorship.

The KCRCC and its extreme majority are trying to impose their religious, social and political views on all of Kootenai’s institutions. North Idaho College is an example of their leadership. This election is about censorship in the county libraries and like NIC, the libraries becoming contentious and dysfunctional.

Voters of Kootenai County can stop this extremist takeover and destruction of our institutions by voting for incumbents Meyer and McCrea on May 16.


Coeur d’Alene