Thursday, May 02, 2024

CDA SCHOOL LEVY: Teachers asking for support

| May 3, 2023 1:00 AM

Like many of you in our community, the failure of the school district levy has my heart heavy. Being a teacher in our district, a wife of a teacher/coach in our district, and having two kids in our district, it has been a lot to process. This vote has not only affected my personal life, but that of my school family.

I watch my whole staff show up everyday with worried hearts, but smiling faces. They have nothing but hugs, smiles, patience and love for every student they come across. I sit and watch in awe…not because this is the first time I’ve witnessed this, but because I can’t believe how fortunate I am to work among such amazing humans that pour into children every day, asking nothing in return.

But because I know all too well, I can see the tired faces behind the shiny smiles. I can see the heavy shoulders bearing the weight of this decision our community made.

The worry of the effects this decision has made, has been felt hard in every school, every teacher, our community, and in our own children.

You see, we teachers don’t ask for much. But we are asking for support from our community, that we are endlessly contributing too. We are asking you to do what is right for our students and our community, and invest in our schools, our future and our kids.

Thanks for your support,


Fernan STEM Academy

Fourth grade teacher